![10 Camping Gadgets You Don't Need (But Really, Really Want)](https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fire-starter-img_3593_1.jpg)
Fanny pack with all the pockets
Sure, all your outdoor gear fits into your hiking pack just fine, leading you to believe that you don't need another bag. But here's a lightweight, convenient reason to get in on the fanny pack trend: the Mountainsmith Tour Small. It fits up to six liters worth of gear, dual water bottles, and anything you can clip onto or slide into the external compression strap, like hiking poles or your favorite disc golf set.
Fun fact: This pack helped stoke the original fanny pack craze in the 1980s. It comes with a lifetime warranty, too, so it should last you until the trend's third wave. After a long day of hiking and toting your belongings around in this wonderful fanny pack, refuel with one of these 40 easy campfire recipes.
10 Camping Gadgets You Don't Need (But Really, Really Want), Source:https://www.rd.com/list/cool-camping-gadgets/