11 Photos That Show Social Distancing in America Compared to Other Countries

11 Photos That Show Social Distancing in America Compared to Other Countries

U.S. vs. the world

As towns, cities, and countries have started emerging from shelter-in-place orders due to COVID-19, there have been governments urging caution, and governments throwing caution to the wind. This has resulted in a fair amount of chaos when it comes to people's decisions about whether or not to follow the World Health Organization's advice for staying safe—mainly, washing hands, wearing a mask in public, and maintaining social distancing. Nowhere has this been more in evidence than in the United States, where each state and sometimes, individual municipalities, have created their own guidelines (or not). How are we doing with social distancing compared to the rest of the world? As the photo of the Canadian tour boat with passengers wearing red next to the American one at Niagara Falls shows, not very well. These 20 photos will define the era of social distancing.

11 Photos That Show Social Distancing in America Compared to Other Countries, Source:https://www.rd.com/list/photos-show-social-distancing-in-america-compared-to-world/