10 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Flaxseeds

10 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain soluble fibre

In addition to protein, flaxseeds are a good source of fibre, which can promote better intestinal health. "Soluble fibre can help to lower LDL (the unhealthy) cholesterol levels in the blood," says registered dietitian Daniela Novotny. "It can also decrease how quickly foods are absorbed, which helps with satiety as well as blood sugar control."

Flaxseeds contain insoluble fibre

Not only does flax contain soluble fibre, but it is also full of insoluble fibre as well, which serves a slightly different purpose. "Insoluble fibre helps to add bulk to stool, which helps the contents of the gastrointestinal system move through efficiently," says Novotny. "As a result, insoluble fibre has been helpful for individuals suffering with constipation."

10 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Flaxseeds, Source:https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-eats/healthy-eating/healthy-reasons-eat-flaxseeds/