11 Precious Photos of Baby Turtles

11 Precious Photos of Baby Turtles

Turtle talk

There are about 200 species of turtle—including those that live only on land (better known as tortoises), those that live both in and out of the water, and those that are aquatic and come to shore only to lay their eggs. These ancient creatures have their origins in the Triassic period, but these days, everywhere they plod or paddle, they are in trouble, with half of all species threatened with extinction. Known scientifically as a group as Chelonia, their populations have been decimated by habitat loss, the pet/medicine/grocery trade (for freshwater and land turtles); and fisheries by-catch, coastal development, pollution, and climate change (for sea turtles), according to State of the World's Sea Turtles (SWOT). Below, we've rounded up baby photos of turtle species from around the world. One look at their sweet, otherworldly faces should be all it takes to convince you they're worth preserving in the wild.

11 Precious Photos of Baby Turtles, Source:https://www.rd.com/culture/precious-photos-of-baby-turtles/