Coronavirus Pandemic Changing Some Anti-Vaxxers Minds

Coronavirus Pandemic Changing Some Anti-Vaxxers Minds

Latest Coronavirus News

MONDAY, April 20, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- The coronavirus pandemic may be leading some anti-vaxxers to change their minds about vaccines, according to CNN.

There is no vaccine for the new coronavirus and scientists are striving to develop one. Life many not fully return to normal until a vaccine is available, some officials have warned.

The situation has led some people who were opposed to mandatory vaccination to reconsider their stance.

As the number of coronavirus deaths rose and public awareness about its threat increased, people became more willing to accept a vaccine, according to Heidi Larson, director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, a research group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

"I think it definitely is provoking people to rethink a lot of things," she said, but added that more data is needed to track reaction over time, CNN reported.

Haley Searcy, 26, from Florida, said she was "fully anti-vax" when her daughter was born in 2019. She eventually allowed her daughter to be vaccinated but still had doubts and concerns about vaccines.

The coronavirus pandemic has changed her opinion.

"Since COVID-19, I've seen firsthand what these diseases can do when they're not being fought with vaccines," Seary told CNN.

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