16 Things We’re All Looking Forward to Once Social Distancing Ends

16 Things We're All Looking Forward to Once Social Distancing Ends


"Mine will sound so shallow, but I look forward to looking like myself again," says Aly Walansky, a Brooklyn-based writer. "I want my hair done, I want a brow wax and tint, and I need my nails done. It seems so silly in the big scope of things but it's what I fantasize about—oh, and also going out for a martini with friends and maybe some sushi!"

Walansky, who typically covers dining, travel, and beauty, goes at least once or twice a week to a new restaurant or bar, usually on assignment. The lack of routine is just as difficult as the lack of little treats to look forward to.

"I feel like so much of why this quarantine is hard is because we don't feel like ourselves, we don't look like ourselves, and we're not acting like the version of the selves we've always been...or at least seen ourselves as," Walansky says. "So a return to that normalcy—seeing my favorite blowout gal, having nice nails, going to my favorite bar and ordering that martini—it's just....being me again. That's what I keep missing and craving."

16 Things We're All Looking Forward to Once Social Distancing Ends, Source:https://www.rd.com/true-stories/things-were-looking-forward-to-once-social-distancing-ends/