#MondayMotivation: What Is The Right Way To Feed? Sucheta Pal On Opinions And What She Feels

#MondayMotivation: What Is The Right Way To Feed? Sucheta Pal On Opinions And What She Feels
#MondayMotivation: What Is The Right Way To Feed? Sucheta Pal On Opinions And What She Feels

Since I have become a mother, I come across several people advising on various topics, including breastfeeding. Here's what I feel...

Motherhood is a new experience for me, and every woman gives birth for the very first time. This is the time when there are people around every new mother providing advice on ways to raise a child. No matter how much it matters for new mothers to get some useful tips on mothering a child, some impose more than suggesting. Women often come across several suggestions on the 'RIGHT WAY' to feed the child by even random people. I feel everyone has an opinion on everything. I was hoping you could read below to know what I think when I come across such people giving me tips on this topic.

#We know that a child should be breastfed for 6 months

No matter how sweet it is for people to tell new mothers that a child should be breastfed for 6 months after birth, but we know that, and we have read about it all over. I believe that it is challenging, physically and emotionally, for a new mother and is certainly a rollercoaster of emotions. This means breastfeeding does not come that naturally to new mothers. We know how breastfeeding is essential for the infant but the confusing research on the six month breastfeeding time is not exactly proven. Some say 3-4 months is enough while some claim on one year. Also, I believe that not much has been done to make it easier for women to breastfeed infants for six months. Specific things to ponder upon include lack of spaces for women to breastfeed, the shame attached to it, etc.

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How many of you have been given FREE ADVISE on the "RIGHT WAY" to feed YOUR CHILD by RANDOM PEOPLE ? Everyone seems to have an opinion and may I say judgement! Yeh sab log kahan se prakat ho jaate hai achanak���� . Please.... 1️⃣STOP telling new mothers that they should exclusively breastfeed for 6 months. You think we haven't read that on the internet yet? . Firstly, unlike popular belief breastfeeding is painful for most women, extremely tough physically and mentally an emotional rollercoaster. So no, breasteeding is not some walk in the park which comes naturally to us women. Give us a break! Secondly, yes breastfeeding/milk is the most beneficial no doubt but there is confusing research about this particular 6 month timeline ( and I am talking about solid research not articles on Google)...infact a decade earlier some research said 3-4 months is enough and some say it should be 1 year�� . Thirdly, what have you done to make women feel comfortable to chose this 6 month timeline. Does your office have a lactation room to pump? Has paid maternity leave been extended in all countrie to 6 months? Have you made breastfeeding in public normal for women in your country ? Things to ponder upon . 2️⃣ STOP questioning the #motherhood quotient of women who choose formual feeding�� Whether only formula-feeding or a mix with breastfeeding/ expressing is none of your business. . One of the reasons why formula feeding is discouraged in mostly developing countries is because of hygeine during preparations or wrong method of preparation. Infact due to advances in science the formula has evolved to a large extent to be very close to breast milk. . And secondly do you know why a woman made the choice? Maybe the body is not medically producing enough milk, the mom has a painful mastitis, or mentally and emotionally it is taxing for the woman. Or maybe we just chose simply because today in the 21st century we can. Period! . ( For those curious, I have CHOSEN to direct +pump + formula to feed) It's my right as a woman to chose how I feed my child as long as both feel like a ROCKSTAR Remember HAPPY MOMMY, HAPPY BABY �� @anamikasinghphotography captures us again��

A post shared by Sucheta Pal (@suchetapal) onFeb 23, 2020 at 5:37am PST

Also Read: #MondayMotivation: 5 Things No One Tells You About Labour And Childbirth

#Don't judge women who go for formula feeding

It is purely the mother's choice of what to chose for the child. Whether it is only formula feeding or a mix of both. Most women are discouraged from going for formula feeding for the very fact of hygiene practised while preparing the feed. However, with time, scientific evolution has made formula feeding very close to breastfeeding. In several cases, women are forced to take such steps due to several reasons. It can be possible that the mother is not able to produce enough milk for the baby or the mom has painful mastitis. In some cases, breastfeeding can take a toll on women, mentally and emotionally. Or, most women make a conscious choice as it is the 21st century. One should not impose what they think is right on new mothers.


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Sucheta's Take On Breastfeeding

I feel it is my right to chose what is best for my child and my health too when it comes to feeding the child. I have selected a combination of direct breastfeeding, pumping and formula feed as and when required for the baby. I feel that a happy mommy can only keep a baby happy. I think that it is on the mother to take any decision she wants for both to stay happy and healthy. So, for all the new mothers making their choices based on what others say, do what you feel is best for you and the baby and listen to what the doctors have to say.

(With inputs from Sucheta's Official Instagram Account)

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#MondayMotivation: What Is The Right Way To Feed? Sucheta Pal On Opinions And What She Feels, Source:http://www.onlymyhealth.com/mondaymotivation-what-is-the-right-way-to-feed-sucheta-pal-on-opinions-and-what-she-feels-1582523498