Cook Yourself A Healthy Meal With These 2 Simple Recipes By Dr Bathwal

Cook Yourself A Healthy Meal With These 2 Simple Recipes By Dr Bathwal
Cook Yourself A Healthy Meal With These 2 Simple Recipes By Dr Bathwal

What you eat in a day makes a great difference in your overall appearance and weight. Hence, one should be careful as to what they eat

The taste of scarfing chips and cookies is undoubtedly something that we do not get over with. Why don't we add something delicious and healthy for our meals? It is an excellent start to eating healthy. You don't have to give up on your favourite foods when it can be adapted easily in your recipes. There are many ways to make a healthy meal, such as limiting fats, sugars, and salt and include plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meats, etc. Let's look at the benefits of a healthy diet. Healthy eating has several long-lasting effects on our body. It may not always be linked to weight loss but eating healthy as a regular practice is more about living a healthy lifestyle. Hence, the critical part here is to know what you are eating, which becomes all the easier when you cook your meals. Cooking your meals helps you keep a check on what's going in your dishes. Hence, in my previous articles, I have time and again stressed on the importance of having a protein-rich diet. More than that, eating healthy can have several benefits to our health, including:

  • Manages Diabetes
  • Weight Loss
  • Manage blood glucose levels
  • Prevents heart stroke

Hence, giving you all some easy yet healthy recipes that are extremely easy to cook and are great to keep your body supplemented with essential nutrients:

Pineapple Green Smoothie


Serves 1


  • 1 cup Spinach leaves
  • ½ Banana
  • 2 slices pineapple chunks
  • ½ cup Double toned milk or Fresh Almond milk or Fresh coconut milk (preferred)
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup Fresh yoghurt
  • 1/3 cup Whey water ( left from yoghurt) if you want a thin smoothie


Mix liquid ingredients first and then add spinach, banana, pineapple and chia seeds and honey). Serve chilled.

Also Read: Valentine's Week: Entice Your Partner By Making These Yummy Almond Treats Around Valentine's Day

High Protein Chilled Salad



  • 100 gm Fresh low fat Paneer
  • 2 slices Pineapple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 Red Onion
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • ½ cup grated carrot
  • 6-8 Pitted Olives
  • 2 Celery sticks
  • 30 gm low-fat cheese
  • 6-7 crushed walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise
  • Pepper - a pinch


  • Cut Paneer in small cubes. And slice and slice pineapple slices, oranges, celery, onion, tomatoes in small cube size pieces.
  • On a low flame pan, roast walnuts lightly and turn off the flame and crush walnuts.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
  • Mix mayonnaise with pepper and add cheese to the bowl.
  • Serve chilled. This is my all-time favourite recipe. It is rich in omega 3, which helps body fight inflammation and injuries, good fats, rich in fibre and protein.

Also Read: Dietician Swati Bathwal Talks About The Top 5 Ways To Lose Weight

Some tips to follow while cooking:

  • Make sure your kitchen and cooking slabs are clean
  • Use only fresh vegetables while making salads as it adds to the health value of the dish
  • If you have specific food allergies, be sure that you maintain distance from those food items
  • Have fun while cooking as more than a responsibility, it is an art, which should be enjoyed and relished

Read more articles on Healthy Diet


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Cook Yourself A Healthy Meal With These 2 Simple Recipes By Dr Bathwal, Source: