Healthy Tri-Color Recipes For Republic Day By Chef Ayesha Nallaseth

Healthy Tri-Color Recipes For Republic Day By Chef Ayesha Nallaseth
Healthy Tri-Color Recipes For Republic Day By Chef Ayesha Nallaseth

Make the most of your Republic Day morning by relishing these yummy recipes in sync with the patriotism fervour

26th January ignites the feeling of patriotism in every Indian. Most families cosy up together early in the morning and switch on the television to watch the Republic Day parade. Most often than not, families cook-up a feast of a breakfast and enjoy the morning meal with the visual treat put together by different states, Govt. departments and our security forces. While you enjoy this national festival with your family, why not add a hint of tri-colour in your meal this Republic Day. Tupperware India brings to you some easy and healthy tri-colour recipes that will not only take care of your wellness quotient and appetite but also add to your patriotic celebrations like never before

Tri-Colour Coconut Rice pudding



  • 1 Orange + 1 Kiwi
  • Rice pudding
  • ½ Tropical Cup Rice + 2 tropical cup Coconut Milk + 1 tropical cup Water + 8 tbsp Sugar / jaggery + 4 tbsp Freshly chopped coconut + ½ tsp Cardamom powder + ½ tsp Vanilla Essence


  • Wash the rice in running water
  • In the InspireSaucepan heat 1 tropical cup of water and 1 hot cup of coconut milk.
  • Add rice and sugar/ jaggery to the coconut milk and simmer for 10 mins.
  • Keep stirring until the rice is thoroughly cooked and the milk has evaporated.
  • Add cardamom powder and vanilla essence remove from heat and allow it to cool. Then add the freshly grated coconut.
  • In a serving cup, place diced kiwi at the bottom, top it with the coconut rice and garnish with fresh oranges.
  • Chill and serve immediately.

Kiwi and orange are a great start of Vitamin C, and amazing pick me ups in the morning. Coconut is widely known for its nutrition value and disease-fighting anti-oxidants, it promotes blood sugar regulation and keeps your gut healthy. The recipe can be created with jaggery for calorie-conscious /diabetic individuals.

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Tricoloured Pinwheel Sandwich



  • 4 Slices bread + 2 tbsp butter + 4 tbsp Green chutney + 4 cheese slices + 3-4 Lettuce leaves
  • Carrot slaw
  • 1 tropical cup carrot (grated using Fusion Master Grater) + 2 tbsp Mayonnaise + Salt to taste + pepper to taste


  • Carrot slaw
  • Mix the grated carrot with salt, pepper and mayonnaise and keep aside.
  • Take fresh bread and remove the crusts from the bread on a chopping board.
  • Flatten the bread with a rolling pin. Only roll once or twice at the most - you don't want completely flatten the bread.
  • Spread butter, green chutney, place the lettuce leaves, then place the cheese slices and finally the carrot slaw.
  • With two hands, roll up each slice to create a pinwheel, ensure the pinwheel is tight and then wrap it in the cling wrap and refrigerate.
  • Remove the pinwheel after 15 - 20 minutes and slice though the cling wrap using a serrated knife.
  • Then slowly pull out the cling wrap and serve.

This recipe is a great hit with kids and adults alike. Carrot and Lettuce are a rich source of fibre, and if you create and present it in this form, your kids will never say no to these essential vegetables. Cheese and butter are healthy fats which are crucial for growing years. Calorie-conscious individuals can replace white bread with multi-grain bread.

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Carrot Tikki Bites


For Tikkis:

2 Potatoes (boiled and mashed) + 3 Carrots (boiled and mashed) + Salt to taste+ 1 tsp Amchur powder + 1 tsp Roasted cumin powder + Green chilli- 4 + 1 tsp Black pepper powder + 1/2 tsp Hing (asafoetida) + 2 tbsp cornflour + Oil

For Garnish

3 tbs Curd + 2 tbs green chutney


  • Add the mashed potatoes and carrots to Wonderlier bowl, add chopped chillies, salt, amchur powder, 1 tsp cumin powder, pepper, hing and cornflour. Mix everything well. Now make small patties.
  • Heat 3 tbsp oil in frying pan. Add the patties and fry them over a low flame until they turn golden brown. Change the side of the patties and fry them again.
  • Garnish each carrot Tikki with a dollop of yoghurt and then green chutney. Serve hot.

A little indulgence never harms anyone. And this recipe gives you a room for that. Complete with rich Indian spices and readily available ingredients, you can cook this as a light snack anytime. Replacing potatoes with boiled and mashed black chana will take up the nutrition value of this recipe considerably.

Recipes By Chef Ayesha Nallaseth, Culinary Product Specialist, Tupperware India

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Healthy Tri-Color Recipes For Republic Day By Chef Ayesha Nallaseth, Source: